Faulkner International Tax Planning and Financial Services Worldwide

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What our clients say...

Faulkner International demonstrated the ability to problem solve and offer continued support that has been both professional and personal. The team at Faulkner International have been of immense help providing solutions to a complex problem. I and my partners cannot thank them enough for their efficient yet personal service which has been greatly appreciated. It has been good to know I am in the hands of people with the expertise to offer the right solutions.


International Financial Advisor Centres

South America

Faulkner International Office locations



Faulkner International
Rio de Janeiro Office

Traversa do Ouvidor 50 (sobreloja)
Centro 20040 - 040
Rio de Janeiro

Contact Faulkner International


Faulkner International
Sao Paulo Office

Rua Haddock Lobo 846
Conjuntura 1105
Edifficio Netware
Cerqueira César
01414-000 São Paulo

Contact Faulkner International







Faulkner International is a member of the International Tax Planning Association.  Visit us on Google plus. Faulkner International Google+ page